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Texts on Dis-Location / Re-Location
Allara, P. 2008. Leora Farber’s A Room of Her Own: feminist performance as class play. De Arte 77:53-56.
Bishop, R. 2008. /, or on how newness enters the world, in Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring
alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:111-117.
Bosman, N. 2008. Vividly Victorian. Artist Leora Farber sews together pre-and post-colonial identities. Citi-Vibe,
The Citizen 27 February:1.
Bryant, J. 2007. Artistic take on identity. Weekend Review, Culture. The Weekender October 20-21:14.
Burton, MTM. 2011. Skin, trace and material process in selected works by Leora Farber.
MA dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Buys, A. 2008. White outsider adapts. Weekend Review, Culture. The Weekender February 23-24:10.
Carman, J. 2008a. Dis-Location/Re-Location. Unpublished panel paper, Johannesburg Art Gallery, 12 April.
Carman, J. 2008b. Recreating identities in the archive and the museum. Paper presented at the South African National Committee of the International Council of Museums special session: diversity and the role of museums, South African Museums Association 72nd Annual National Conference, Sacred and secret heritage: the diversity and sensitivities of African cultural traditions, 24-26 June, University of Stellenbosch Business School, Cape Town.
Carman, J. 2008c. Recreating the archive, in Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:69-78.
Corrigall, M. 2008. Interesting use of textiles … but is it art? The Sunday Independent May 4:11.
De Vita, V. 2008. Locating the heart. The Witness 19 April. [O]. Available:
Du Preez, A. 2010. Material girls: lingering in the presence of the material sublime. Critical Arts 24(3), Nov:392-417.
Ellis, J. 2012. A bodily metaphorics of unsettlement: Leora Farber’s Dis-Location/Re-Location as Neo-Victorian Gothic, in The horrid and the sexy, in Neo-Victorian Gothic. Horror, violence and degeneration in the re-imagined nineteenth century, edited by K Marie-Luise & C Gutleben. Neo-Victorian Series VI. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.
Fourie, MS. 2011. An investigation into psycho-geographic liminality in selected contemporary South African artworks. MA dissertation, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pretoria, Pretoria.
Goosen, M. 2012. A postcolonial repositioning: Leora Farber’s Dis-Location/Re-Location and Richardt van der Merwe’s
Skadu-Ander-Skadu-Self. Euro-American conference for academic disciplines and creativity, IJAS conference, Prague, 26-29 June.
Goosen, M & Swanepoel, R. 2012. Vervreemding in Leora Farber’s se The futility of writing 24-page letters (2009).
Literator:33(1). [O]. Available: www.literator.org.za
Jacobsen, W & Farber, L. 2007. A Room of Her Own. Catalogue essay. Johannesburg: David Krut:[Sp].
Jones, MR. 2012. Trunk Volume Two: BLOOD. Sydney: Boccalatte:303.
Kasibe, W. 2008. Oreosness/coconutness: not quite black, not quite white, in Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:79-84.
Klopper, S & Farber, L. 2008. Bertha Marks reborn: Leora Farber in conversation with Sandra Klopper, in
Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:11-25.
Lamb, J. 2009. The corset: relevance in contemporary art. BA (Art History) dissertation, Faculty of Humanities, University of South Africa.
Lamprecht, B. 2008. Die geboorte van ‘n nuwe kultuur. Persektif, Beeld 9 March:6.
Law-Viljoen, B (ed). 2008. Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa. Johannesburg: David Krut.
Mitchell, V. 2013. Dialog. Stitching with metonymy. Textile 11(3):314-319.
Murray, S. 2008. Awfully pretty: female embodiment in Dis-Location/Re-Location, in Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:49-56.
Myburg, J. 2007. Delikate mutasies stel vrae. Kuns en Vermaak, Die Burger 6 August:8.
Neluheni, M. 2008. Leora Farber in collaboration with Strangelove. Dis-Location/Re-Location at the Johannesburg Art Gallery. Artthrob February. [O]. Available: http://www.artthrob.co.za/08mar/reviews/jag.html
Ord, J. 2008. Parergons of dis-closure: identifying meaning, signifying identity with a difference, in Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:103-108.
Sassen, R. 2007. What makes Grahamstown Arts Festival tick? The South African Jewish Report 6 July:12.
Sassen, R. 2008a. Trio make their marks. Art, Metro, Sunday Times February10:10.
Sassen, R. 2008b. The modestly adorned woman, in Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:59-68.
Schneider, M. 2007. Trying to find a niche in transformed SA. The South African Jewish Report 2-9 November: 10. [O]. Available: http://www.sajewishreport.co.za/pdf/2-november-2007.pdf
Schoeman, G. 2008. Leora Farber. Oliewenhuis. Art South Africa 6(3), Autumn:100.
Van Rensburg, W. 2007a. Dis-Location/Re-Location educational supplement. Supplement for secondary school learners, Grades 10-12. Johannesburg: David Krut publishing: [Sp].
Van Rensburg, W. 2007b. Artistic chronotopes: visualising identities through time-space organisation in the work of Leora Farber, in Dis-Location/Re-Location. Exploring alienation and identity in South Africa, edited by B Law-Viljoen. Johannesburg: David Krut:41-45.
Venn C. 2009. Identity, diasporas and subjective change: the role of affect, the relation to the other, and the aesthetic. Subjectivity 26:3-28.
Venn, C. 2010. Aesthetics, politics, identity: diasporic problematisations. Critical Arts 24(3), November:321-347.
Rovine, V. 2015. African fashion global style. Histories, innovations, and ideas you can wear. Bloomington: Indiana University Press:208-211.
Goosen, M & Swanepoel R. 2015. De/acculturation of identity: diaspora in selected photo installations by Searle and Farber. South African Journal of Art History (SAJAH) 30(1).
Allara, P. 2003. The hierarchy of touch: reflections on Leora Farber’s Four Minor Renovations. n. paradoxa 11:61-4.
Allara, P. 2001. Cosmetics and confectionery: the body as object and image in the work of Leora Farber. Catalogue essay for All You Can Be exhibition: [Sp].
Atkinson, B. 1997. Out to flay. Mail & Guardian 7-13 November.
Bellis, J.1997. Agent and sufferer: the patient as surgeon in Leora Farber’s Instrumental. Herstoria July:44-48.
Bencun, T & Farber, L. 2006. Pirouetting through fashion. Art South Africa 2(4), Winter:54-55.
Bristowe, A. 1997. A sister who gets under the skin. Sunday Times 2 November:17.
Buchan, N. 2007. Design that is skin-deep. Taipei Times March 15:15. [O].
Available: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2007/03/15/2003352443
Byrd, C. 1999. Body funk. Nexus show not for the squeamish. Atlanta-Creative-Loafing-Com 10. September:37-38.
Cork, R. 1999. Beneath the skin. The New Anatomists exhibition catalogue:11-16.
Cork, R. 1999. The critic’s view. [O]. Available: http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/en/old/newanatomists/MISexhTWOanaCRT.html
Coulson, M. 1993. Much promise. Financial Mail. 22 January:43.
Enwezor, O. 1996. FNB Vita Art Now. Frieze 30 September-October. [O]. Available:
Erasmus, E. 1993. Jong kunstenaars se eerste solo-tentoonstellings. Beeld 15 January.
Falconer, M. Corpse blimey, Jibby’s here with a strong body of work. Highbury and Islington Express. 23 October:30.
Friedman, H. 1993. Peeling away layers to a tapestry of ideas. The Star Tonight! 27 January.
Friedman, H. 1995. Rising above the babble. The Star Tonight! 15 May:3.
Friedman, H. 1997a. Instrumental exhibition catalogue essay: [Sp].
Friedman, H. 1997b. Perversly beautiful body of work is both seductive and repellent. The Sunday Independent 2 November.
Gevisser, M. 1995. Explosion of the body parts. Mail & Guardian 12 March.
Gresle, Y. 1997. Women in the flesh. The Star Tonite! 4 November:3.
Hebert, M. Laura Godfrey-Isaacs, Leora Farber. 1997. Time Out 22-29 January.
Herbst, M. 1995. Taking liberties. The body politic. African Arts, Autumn:97-99.
Hug, A. 1996. Colours Kunst Aus Suid Afrika exhibition catalogue. Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt:12.
Jones, D. 2002. Art with a twist. Wellcome News Supplement Q1:23
Kemp, M & Wallace, M. 2002. Spectacular bodies. London: Hayward Gallery:155.
Lambrecht, B. 1993. Kunstenaars stel elkeen ander eise aan die kyker. Beeld 26 January:19.
Lupton, E. 2002. Skin: surface, substance and design. New York: Princeton Architectural Press:88.
Matthews, M. 2000. Snipping flesh for art’s sake. Mail & Guardian 20-26 October:23.
Munitz, B. 2000. Cutting comment on the body: encounters of a surgical kind’. Cape Times 18 October.
Nieuwoudt, S. 2002. Skoonheit se pyngrens. Beeld Naweek 6 October:10-11.
Pople, L. 2002. Delicate skepping vir die sinne. Beeld 6-10 May.
Powell, I. 1993. In the bottom left hand corner of the picture there is the conventional still-life painting. Vrye Weekblad 15 January:30-1.
Riddler, E. Dissecting the corpse of the twentieth century. Artwrite 17 Sydney: University of New South Wales.
[O]. Available: www.artwrite.cofa.unsw.edu.au/9917/Eric%20Riddler.htm
Schoeman, G. 2002. Fringe exhibitions at the Carinus Art Centre. Artthrob 47 July. [O]. Available: http://www.artthrob.co.za
Schmahmann, B. 2004. Through the looking glass. Johannesburg: David Krut Publishing:66, 67, 69.
SCI/TECH The art of anatomy. BBC Online Network 15 March. [O]. Available: news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_297000/297001.stm
Smith, K. 2002a. Artbio: Leora Farber. Artthrob 57 May. [O]. Available: http://artthrob.co.za/02may/artbio.html
Smith, K. 2002b. Art pick of the week. Mail & Guardian 6-10 May.
Smith, K. 2002c. Visual Art at the Aardklop Festival. Artthrob 1 October. [O]. Available: http://www.artthrob.co.za/01oct/reviews/aardklop.html
Smith, K. 2002d. Retrospectives for Aardklop Arts Fest. Artthrob 1 October. [O]. Available: http://www.artthrob.co.za/01oct/news/aardklop.html
Smith, K & Sey, J. 2000. Cross sections and transgressions: a curatorial/cultural dissection of Two Icons: The Atom, the Body. Art: spaces and contexts of display. 16th annual conference of the South African Association of Art Historians, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, September:75-87.
Smith, R. 2002. A wrap that’s almost human. The New York Times Weekend 17 May:29.
Stevens, M. 2002. Skin-deep. New York Magazine. Metro Section 13 May. [O]. Available: http://www.nymag.com/page.cfm?page_id+6037
Sumpter, H. 1997. Way of the flesh. The Big Issue 6-12 January:26.
Temin, C. 2002. Real content takes ‘skin’ below the surface. Boston Globe Online. [O]. Available: http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/181/living
Tromp, I. 1995. Of rat traps and art prats. Mail & Guardian 22 September.
Van Niekerk, L. 1997. Farber-kuns ‘n komplekse web van feminitiese verwysing. Kalender 4, Beeld November:6.
Von Veh, K. 2000a. Flayed flesh – the scientific body as art in Leora Farber’s Instrumental exhibition. Art: spaces and contexts of display. 16th annual conference of the South African Association of Art Historians, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, September:103-111.
Von Veh, K. 2000b. Female bodies – male control: works from Leora Farber’s Skinless and Instrumental exhibitions. MA dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Von Veh, K. 2002c. Identity (de)constructed in the work of Leora Farber. De Arte 63 April:5-25.
Von Veh, K. 2003a. Corpa Delicata and the politics of the body: Leora Farber’s latest works. Paper presented at the 19th annual conference of the South African Association of Art Historians, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, September.
Von Veh, K. 2003b. Corpa Delicata and beyond: Leora Farber and the politics of the body. De Arte 61 April: 22-47.
Von Veh, K. 2004. (Re)-Imaging the body: the relevance of body politics in contemporary art making and the work of Leora Farber. Paper presented at Old/new? 30th annual conference of the Association of Art Historians, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 1-3 April.
Williamson, S. 2000. Mark Hipper, Geno Gindl and Leora Farber at Joao Ferreria. Artthrob 38 October. [O]. Available:
Witthaus, M. 1993. Leora Farber-Goodman Gallery. Weekly Mail 22 January.
Wolmarans, R. 2002. Aardklop bazaar. Mail & Guardian 12-18 October.
Wright, TT. 1994. Problems of self-representation with specific reference to gender in selected twentieth century painting. MA dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.